Does London need a garden bridge?

garden bridge
image credit:

I usually start the day with a cup of tea and a quick look through the BBC News website.

Today one story on my iPad was headed up: Garden  Bridge project “nearly collapsed”.

I don’t live in London so this plan for a new bridge to span the River Thames has passed me by.

The architect’s drawing accompanying the article on the BBC News site reminded me of those miniature gardens we used to make when we were kids. Did you do that? Take an old tray or a shoe box lid; line the tray with soil; pick some tiny flowers and grasses from the garden or wherever your favourite play space was; shove the flowers in the soil; add a bit of mirror or broken glass for a pond; include any little chairs from the doll’s house that fit the scene…… and then throw it all in the bin a couple of hours later when the flowers have wilted.

In other words, it’s not real.

The idea for this garden bridge seems preposterous and a complete waste of money. A sentiment echoed in officialdom: Scrap garden bridge to avoid wasting more public funds, report says and It looks like London won’t be getting a Garden Bridge after all.

The latest Garden Bridge Trust accounts make interesting reading.

Citing the accounts filed with Companies House in January, a spokesperson for the Garden Bridge Trust told the BBC that the Trust had been transparent about the Garden Bridge not being a going concern at the present time.

It seems that without a huge injection of taxpayer’s cash this project has no chance of survival.

I assume this cash is to be raised from Londoners, not from the whole of the country.

It’s many years since I lived and worked in London, or even visited the city, but surely London has enough bridges and could spend it’s spare cash on something more necessary.


  1. Breaking News on April 28th 2017:
    The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has effectively pulled the plug on the Garden Bridge. He has declined to commit any more public money to the project citing several reasons for his decision as outlined in The Guardian.
    And from my further reading after writing this blogpost, he’s done the right thing.

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